May is Pride month, and despite the cancellation of physical Pride meet-ups, we’re hosting two special Sunday online inclusive worship gatherings (17th & 24th) to celebrate Jesus’ overwhelming love and inclusion of LGBTQ+ people.
UNDIVIDED SUNDAY (17th) …This Sunday (17th May) at 4pm on Facebook & Youtube, our gathering is based on themes from and responses to Vicky Beeching’s powerful book Undivided: Coming Out, Becoming Whole and Living free from Shame. Julia & Sam will discuss the book and others will share how Vicky’s story played a part in their own coming out. There will be music, some ‘feasting’ and expressions of creativity from women in our community. You are also invited to join us on Zoom at 5:15 if you’d like to further discuss the themes of Vicky’s book as part of our Book & Podcast Discussion Club. You don’t need to have read the book to join in any of these things, but if you’d like to listen to a podcast where Vicky tells her story, you’ll find some suggested links here.
PRIDE Online Worship Gathering (24th) …The following weekend was set to be Birmingham Pride … but instead celebrations of Pride have moved online. Birmingham Christians at Pride have a surprise in store, and Inclusive Gathering Birmingham will be having our own glittering Pride Online Worship Gathering on Sunday at 4pm on Sunday 24th May on Facebook & YouTube. Whoever you are, whether you identify as LGBTQ+, aim to be an ally or are on a journey of exploration and understanding, come along, hear some stories and celebrate God’s radical inclusion and love with us.
You can also …
- Join us Wednesdays at 7:30 for our weekly Zoom Online Prayer Gathering.
- Catch up on our back catalogue of online worship gatherings since lockdown here.
- Find out how to join one of our weekly Zoom Community Groups (a smaller setting for fun, prayer and discussion).
- (If you would normally give when you are with us in person) find out here how to make a one-off gift or regular donation to help support what we’re doing and enable generosity.
Hope to see you soon! If you’d like to have a 1 to 1 chat with someone from Inclusive Gathering Birmingham, we’d love that. Just email us at