If you consider yourself a part of Inclusive Gathering Birmingham (or are simply excited about what we are doing) you might want to give financially to help support our growing faith community.
Donations cover many of the practical costs of the things that we do and allow us to being active, creative, bold and public. And they also enable us to respond with generosity and care to needs and opportunities in our community and in our city.
If you would like to, you can make a one-off donation give quickly and easily online via this link OR you can set up a standing order via bank transfer for regular giving (monthly or quarterly) using the bank details below:
Bank sort code is: 08-92-99
Account number: 65503733
Account name: Birmingham Methodist District
Give “IGB” as the reference
If you are a tax-payer, we can maximise your giving by claiming Gift Aid. You can download a Gift Aid form here.

Please email newchurchbirmingham@gmail.com with any questions. Thank you!