This is an evolving set of resources and links put together to help support and celebrate LGBTQ+ people in their faith journeys, as well as for anyone wanting to grow in their understanding, love and allyship.
If it would help you to have a conversation with someone at Inclusive Gathering Birmingham about LGBTQ+ identity and faith, we’d love to chat with you. Get in touch at
Selected IGB Gatherings on LGBTQ+ Identity | |
Guest: Alex Clare-Young speaking about “Transgender. Christian. Human.” (12 July 2020) | |
Guest: Jide Macaulay speaking about “Race, Faith, Queer Identity and Inclusion” (13 September 2020) | |
Pride Online Worship Gathering (24 May 2020) | |
Discussion of Vicky Beeching’s Book, Undivided (17 May 2020) | |

Short Films | |
Queer Virtue Films | Elizabeth M. Edman presents 5 short films on the virtue that queer people possess and what Christianity can learn from it. “Queerness is a gift, and authentic Christianity is extremely queer.” |
Queer Theology (YouTube Channel) | A range of videos that explore what is beautiful about being LGBTQ+ and how that knowledge can bolster our spirituality and connection to God. |
Being Gay & Christian (Justin Lee) | Justin Lee’s YouTube channel is a treasure trove of short, fun videos that explore the joys and complexities of being gay and Christian. |
The Bible & Transgender Christians (Austen Hartke) | Austen Hartke, author of “Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians,” presents on the Bible and transgender Christians for The Reformation Project. |
Change the World (Alex Clare-Young) | Do YOU struggle to understand what transgender means? Alex – pastor, activist and husband – explores how the church might helpfully approach questions around ‘fluid gender identities’. |
G-A-Y means God Accepts You (Rev Jide Macaulay) | “Growing up as a Black gay man of African descent, it’s never easy, particularly as a person of faith.” Theologian, HIV+ Activist and @houseofrainbow founder the Jide Macaulay talks about his journey to reconcile his faith and sexuality. |

Articles & Blogs | |
Top tips for the safety and nurture of young people | This short article from Diverse Church shares tips for young people coming out, for youth workers and for hosting inclusive spaces. |
Does the Bible really say that St Paul hates Gays? (Marcus Green) | In this short article, Rev Marcus Green takes a look at some of the 7 ‘clobber’ passages historically used to challenge same-sex relationships. |
Three ways I was wrong … and how we can get it right (Justin Lee) | In this article, Justin Lee shares his faith journey from conservative evangelical to affirming gay Christian. It’s a short version of the story told in his brilliant book, Unconditional. |
Trans Theology 101 – the VERY Basics | A short intro to Trans theology and links to further resources. |

Books | |
Dazzling Darkness: Gender, Sexuality, Illness and God (Rachel Mann) | This passionate and nuanced book brings together poetry, feminist theology, and philosophy and explores them through one person’s hunger for wholeness, self-knowledge and God. |
Undivided: Coming Out, Becoming Whole, and Living Free From Shame (Vicky Beeching) | Vicky Beeching’s story of “coming out” as an evangelical worship leader and how she was finally able to live from a place of wholeness, vulnerability, and authenticity. |
The Possibility of Difference (Marcus Green) | Marcus Green starts by tackling some of the Scriptures that have been used to condemn gay people. He then looks beyond these texts to the bigger biblical story, taking the reader on a journey that reveals the Bible as a place of radical inclusion and love. |
Transgender. Christian. Human. (Alex-Clare Young) | The life story (so far) of Alex Clare-Young, the first out transgender minister in the United Reformed Church. Includes resources and activities to encourage individuals and groups to explore the subject of gender identity. |

UK Networks & Organisations | |
Space to Be | Space To Be is an online collaboration from Diverse Church, House of Rainbow, OneBodyOneFaith, Open Table, and Two:23 and Quest. Space To Be provides a reflective, prayerful space for LGBTQ+ Christians to gather online. |
Open Table Network | Open Table aims to create a safe sacred space to explore your faith and what it means for you. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, you are welcome here. Open Table began in Liverpool in July 2008. Now Open Table communities gather across the UK, hosted by inclusive churches. |
House of Rainbow | House of Rainbow (HOR) fosters relationships among Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer (LGBTIQ+) individuals, people of faith and allies in order to create a safer and a more inclusive community. HOR assist with issues and challenges such as asylum seekers’ support, sexual health, counselling and pastoral care. |
Inclusive Church | Inclusive Church is a network of churches, groups and individuals who challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality. IGB is a member church. |
Diverse Church | Diverse Church plants supportive communities for young LGBTQ+ Christians in the UK/Republic of Ireland. They are a pastoral & mission resource for the wider church so young LGBTQ+ Christians don’t have to give up on life or God. |
Open Church | Open Church Network is founded on the belief that God’s love is inclusive of all people, we do not draw distinctions by any measures or barriers invented by people. Open Church runs multiple events each year to equip individuals and faith communities in supporting LGBTQ+ people and identity. IGB is a member church. |
One Body One Faith | Equipping LGBT+ Christians, advocating for change. |
Local Groups & Support | |
Birmingham Christians at Pride | Birmingham Christians at Pride is a collective of churches and individuals who affirm and celebrate LGBTQ+ identity. We are a visible presence at the annual Birmingham Pride parade. IGB is a member church. |
LGBTQ+ Christian Gathering | A Birmingham-based small group gathering of LGBTQ+ Christians from multiple Christian traditions. |
Journey MCC | A Birmingham church that are our friends and partners. They specialise in befriending and supporting LGBTQ+ asylum seekers. |
Birmingham LGBT | Birmingham LGBT raises awareness of the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people in Birmingham and beyond, to advocate for their needs to the wider community and to promote opportunities to LGBT people in Birmingham and beyond to enable them to fully participate in the lives of their community. |