
Online Inclusive Worship Gathering – Racial Justice – 26 July 2020 at 4pm

On Sunday, 26th June at 4pm (GMT) we will gather on Facebook Live (or on YouTube) with interactive discussions afterwards at 5:15. (Join via this Zoom link.**)

We’ll be joined by our dear friend Rev Farai Mapamula (who was part of the original team that launched Inclusive Gathering Birmingham). Farai will be sharing from her heart and having a conversation with Danielle about race, intersectionality and inclusion in the church as part of the Christian pursuit of justice. These are challenging subjects so we are blessed to have Farai with us to help us learn together in a spirit of love and grace (and a willingness to hear those things that cause pain and injustice).

Welcome (Danielle)

Song – Kaleidoscope (IGB Band)

Question for Sharing (David & Nettes)
How have the last few months of lockdown and mass protest impacted how you see the world?  Are there needs or injustices that you have become more aware of?

Scripture Reading & Prayer (Lorraine)

The reading for today is from the Book of Micah chapter 6 verse 8, part of the ancient wisdom literature of the Bible:

“What does the Lord require of you, but to act with justice and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

And so we pray for justice. We lift up people who have been chased from their homes due to violence, famine or persecution. We name as sin the injustice due to prejudices against race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, economic class, or nationality. We condemn the exploitation of the weak and the vulnerable.

We seek your loving kindness – not only for ourselves but also for all people. Teach us to remember the mercy we have received so that we may extend that mercy to others. We pray your presence and comfort on those who receive hate or cruelty: victims of sexual and other assault, the hungry in communities of plenty, the homeless, those suffering with mental illness with no access to care, and for veterans who still struggle with war even though they are home.

We ask for humble hearts. May we have the eyes of Jesus to see the blessed and those in need of blessing. Give us patience to sit with those who mourn; peace to share with the anxious; gentleness to wrap around the sick; faithfulness in times of uncertainty.

How shall we come before you Lord? May we come with faith and an open heart so that we may go into the world with justice, mercy and humility. Amen.
Taken from Prayers for the People: Scripturally Based Prayers for Worship

Reflection– (Farai) – Racial Justice, Inclusion & the Church

Discussion – (Farai & Danielle)

Song (Ali & Rachel) – God of Justice

Story (Rev Jide Macauley of House of Rainbow) – God Accepts You

Love Feast (IGB Coventry Community Group)

Song (Ali & Ellie) – So Will I

Mental Health Focus (Ellie)

What’s Coming up (Danielle) *

Blessing: “May we live fully, love wastefully and have the courage to be all that God has created us to be.”

*If you are part of our community and would like to make a gift toward Inclusive Gathering Birmingham, you can do that here. Anything you give helps to support the costs of making church happen and allows us to be generous as a community. There’s no pressure to give!

** After our Worship Gathering, at 5:15 anyone who would like to continue to discuss these themes can join our discussion via THIS ZOOM link (Meeting ID: 860 4051 3413 Passcode: 898436). We’ll break into smaller discussion groups from there.

If you’ve got any questions about Inclusive Gathering Birmingham or would like to have a chat with someone from our community, please email and we’ll be in touch.