On Sunday, 12th July at 4pm (GMT+1) we will gather on Facebook Live (or on YouTube) with interactive discussions afterwards in Zoom. We’re pleased to welcome our special guest, Alex-Clare Young, author of Transgender. Christian. Human. You can follow along with the running order below and find any links that you need.
We have an online worship gathering every Sunday at 4pm and we are also meeting for a weekly online prayer gathering Wednesdays at 7:30 via Zoom. If you would like to ALSO connect with one of our mid-week Zoom Community Groups email newchurchbirmingham@gmail.com.
When we gather in person we always have cake and a creative/ mindfulness area with activities. You’ll have to grab your own snack this time, but if you fancy doing some mindfulness colouring as you watch/ listen/ engage with our worship gathering, you can download and print this. Here’s what else to expect:
Welcome (Danielle)
Song (IGB Band) This is Me
Prayer (Joe)
This prayer was written by Alex Clare-Young and can be found in his book Transgender. Christian. Human.:
In the beginning God created all things,
Land and sea and the marshlands in between,
Man and woman and those in between,
In the beginning God created all things in diversity,
With all possibilities in between.
At our beginning God created each one of us
And all our possibilities.
God of creation and change,
We thank you for calling us by name.
We remember how you changed the names
Of many called to do your work.
Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Peter and Paul
All journeyed with you and became new creations.
In renaming them you recreated their lives,
As you recreate us anew each day.Question for Sharing (Danielle & Ronnie):
What is one way you have changed or grown as a person in the last 5 years?Story of an Anti-Racist Journey (Sarah)
Song (Ellie & Ali) – Since Your Love
Scripture Reading (David):
“There is no longer Jew or Gentile,[slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
Reflection– (Alex Clare-Young) – Transgender. Christian. Human.
Love Feast (Tash & Jo)
Poem – T is for Together (Lee Evans)
Song (IGB Band) – Lord I Need YouWhat’s Coming up (Danielle) *
Blessing: “May we live fully, love wastefully and have the courage to be all that God has created us to be.”
*If you are part of our community and would like to make a gift toward Inclusive Gathering Birmingham, you can do that here. Anything you give helps to support the costs of making church happen and allows us to be generous as a community. There’s no pressure to give!
After our Worship Gathering, at 5:15, Alex Clare-Young will be joining us for a special Q&A discussion via Zoom. The discussion is FREE and open to all, but we ask that you register via EventBrite to gain access to the Zoom. [Once you’ve registered, the direct link to the Zoom discussion will appear here.] Any questions, please email newchurchbirmingham@gmail.com.