
Inclusive Online Worship Gathering (26 April 2020)

On Sunday, 26th April at 4pm (GMT) we will gather on Facebook Live (or on YouTube) with interactive discussions afterwards in Zoom. You can follow along with the running order below and find any links that you need.

We’ll be doing an online worship gathering every Sunday at 4pm we are also meeting for a weekly online prayer gathering Wednesdays at 7:30 via Zoom. If you would like to ALSO connect with one of our mid-week Zoom Community Groups email

When we gather in person we always have cake and a creative/ mindfulness area with activities. You’ll have to grab your own snack this time, but if you fancy doing some mindfulness colouring as you watch/ listen/ engage with our worship gathering, you can download and print this. Here’s what else to expect:

Welcome (Danielle)

Songs (David)

God of Wonders

Top of the Mountain

**Prayer: Creator God, We Give Thanks (from Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals) (Pete) [PRAYER IN FULL BELOW]

Question for Sharing (Tash & Lizzie): Is there something that you are finding it difficult to be thankful for this week?

Song (Ali & Ellie): Oh Lord My God

Scripture Reading (Neil) – “In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.” Matthew 6:14-15 (from Jesus’ first big speech – The Sermon on the Mount)

Reflection (Naomi) – Forgiveness According to Jesus

Response (AKA a moment to think)

Love Feast (Danielle)

Song (Ali & Ellie): So Will I

* Looking after your mental health (Ellie) [LINKS TO RESOURCES BELOW]

What’s coming up (Danielle)

Blessing: “May we live fully, love wastefully and have the courage to be all that God has created us to be.”

After our Worship Gathering, at 5:15 we will move over to Zoom to chat about how we’re doing and discuss some of the themes from today. If you are in a regular Inclusive Gathering Community Group, please join your regular group. If you are not, please pop in to any of the groups below by clicking the link. If you enjoy the chat, you are very welcome to meet up with your group again, later in the week. If there isn’t a group near you, that’s okay – join whichever one. You can read more about Community Groups here:

Edgbaston Community Group (Pete & Eunice – also meets Mondays – FULL)

Coventry Community Group(Ali & Ellie – also meets Mondays)

Moseley Community Group(Danielle & Joel – also meets Tuesdays)

Summerfield/ Winson Green Community Group(David & Nettes – also meets Tuesdays)

West Brum Community Group – (Adam & Rachel – also meets Thursdays)W

Here’s the questions the groups will be discussing this evening:

  • Where have you seen glimpses of beauty this week?
  • If you feel comfortable sharing, what have been the difficult moments this week?
  • Was there anything that stood out to you from the reflections today? What challenged you? What encouraged you?

*Mental Health Resources (mentioned by Ellie today):

Contact the Samaritans 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

Or text SHOUT to 85258

** (From Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals)

Lord God, Creator of All,
In your wisdom, you have bound us together so that we must depend on others for the food we eat, the resources we use, the gifts of your creation that bring life, health and joy.

Creator God, we give thanks.

Holy be the hands that sew our clothes so that we do not have to go naked; sacred be the hands that build our homes so that we do not have to be cold; blessed be the hands that work the land so that we do not have to go hungry.

Creator God, we give thanks.

Holy be the feet of all who labor so that we might have rest, sacred be the feet of all who run swiftly to stand with the oppressed, blessed be the feet of all whose bodies are too broken or weary to stand.

Creator God, we give thanks.

Holy be the sound of children laughing to take away our sorrow, sacred be the sound of water falling to take away our thirst, blessed be the sound of your people singing to heal our troubled hearts.

Creator God, we give thanks.

Holy be the bodies of those who know hunger, sacred be the bodies of those who are broken. Blessed be the bodies of those who suffer. In your mercy and grace, soften our callous hearts and fill us with gratitude for all the gifts you have given us.

In your love, break down the walls that separate us and guide us along your path of peace, that we might humbly worship you in Spirit and Truth.

Creator God, we give thanks.
