
IGB Worship Gathering – The Way of Radical Love – 6 November 2022

On the first Sunday of each month we have a special bigger gathering with music and a few extras! Today we’re gathering in the Penthouse upstairs at the Loft and we will also livestream the gathering to Facebook Live and upload it to YouTube later on.

If you are at home (or just like to know what to expect) you can follow along with the running order below. If you’d like to see the slides we are sharing today that contains the words to songs and readings and can’t quite make them out on the livestream, you can find them here.

Today we are finishing up our series on Jesus’ Beatitudes (or Blessings) – over the last month, we’ve been drawing on Jesus’ words in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5 and on Mark Scandrette’s book The Ninefold Path of Jesus: Hidden Wisdom of the Beatitudes.

Welcome (Ben)

Songs (Adam): All You Need is Love & Your Love

Question for Sharing (Tash): Is there someone (or something) in your life you find very easy to love? Is there someone (or something) in your life you find it difficult to approach with love?

Saints & Weirdos Story: John Wesley (Eunice)

Song (Ali): Better than Ice Cream

Reading: Matthew 5:5-12 (Julia)

Reflection: The Way of Radical Love (Danielle)

Song: The Love of God

Communion Introduction (Danielle)

Song: Come to the Table (Ali)

<Everyone is welcome at our table. If you would like to take communion you can go and receive the (GF) bread and the (non-alcoholic) wine at the back of the room and hold it to share together>

Communion: God Calls Us (Danielle)

Song: Give in to the Love (Adam & Danielle)

Invitation to Give (Eunice)

What’s Coming Up + Blessing (Ben)

“May we live fully, love wastefully and have the courage to be all that God has created us to be.”

After our gathering today, some of us will be meeting for drinks downstairs and then will head over to the Fox Bar around the corner at 6pm to sign the Birmingham AIDS & HIV Memorial Remembrance Book. You are super welcome to join us!