
RLC UK Book Club: We Need to Talk About Race

August 1, 2020
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Red Letter Christians UK
28 Handsworth New Road
Birmingham, United Kingdom, B184PT

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August 1


10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Website

Red Letter Christians UK

28 Handsworth New Road

Birmingham, United Kingdom, B184PT

We will be facilitating an RLC UK book club discussion of Ben Linday’s We Need to Talk About Race at 10am on Saturday 1st August. Register for free via EventBrite to gain access to this Zoom discussion.

Our desire is to have an environment where we are not aiming to somehow ‘critique’ the book but to allow ourselves to hear from and engage with an important Black British voice and perspective. (In June and July we held sessions discussing Reni Eddo-Lodge’s Why I Am No Longer Talking to White People About Race. )

At a time when so many of our black activists and faith leaders are supporting their communities and dealing with grief and trauma, it’s particular important to centre black voices without adding unnecessarily to their emotional and spiritual labour.

Yet many of us, who are white and non-black need to be able to learn and process. How do we do that? We’re hoping this book club will be one of many efforts to contribute to creating that kind of respectful learning/ dialogue space.

The questions we’ll be discussing are:

– What did you learn for the first time reading this?
– How did it challenge what you already know or thought you knew?
– Have you recognised a way you could change or adapt your behaviour in the light of this new information?
– What now?

The conversations will be facilitated by RLC UK’s Naomi Bennettand Danielle Nichols Wilson and we will make use of smaller ‘breakout’ rooms as well as plenary discussion in order to enable everyone to have an opportunity to talk.

You can also listen to a 37 minute interview with Ben Lindsay about his book here:

If you represent a church or community group and would like to have a dedicated ‘breakout’ room for your members, please get in touch and we can talk about whether it’s possible to accommodate you.

If you have any questions, please email