Online Inclusive Gathering – Neurodiversity & the Church
June 13, 2021
04:00 pm - 06:30 pm
On Sunday, 13th June on FB Live and YouTube our own David Derbyshire is going to help us consider the theme of neurodiversity and the church, drawing on his own autism story. This is one of multiple conversations exploring the various nuances of this topic that we will hold over the coming months.
This is part of our new series looking at the practice of inclusion and what it does/ can look like in a variety of areas of life and faith. The clue is in the name, but we see inclusion as a core part of our spirituality and our justice-seeking as a community.
We’ll reconvene on Zoom for further discussion at 5:15.
You will need to be logged into a Zoom account with a public account name in order to access this Zoom.
Meeting ID: 853 6699 5635
Passcode: 123674
About Inclusive Gathering Birmingham …
Inclusive Gathering Birmingham is a diverse church gathered together by a common dream: to become a truly inclusive faith community, where doubt and difference are a welcome part of our journey together toward Jesus. We believe that the way of Jesus leads us to the wild, radical idea that true spiritual community can be formed based on who is INCLUDED, not by who is EXCLUDED. We are a learning community, constantly growing and changing to live out this vision in new and expanding ways.
When we say “inclusion”, we mean much more than mere tolerance or welcome. We believe God wants us all to know that we actually belong. That means people of every race and ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, age and background, HIV status, ability and disability, theological and political conviction are loved, invited, and fully included. Read more about what makes us tick at or send an email to to ask questions or chat.