October All-Community Bring & Share Meal + Worship
October 13, 2019
04:00 pm - 06:00 pm
Carrs Lane Church Centre
Carrs Lane
Birmingham, United Kingdom, B47
We’re going to try something a little experimental for our 2nd All-Community gathering! Here’s what it will look like:
3:45-4 – Arrive
4-4:15 – We’ll gather to sing a few songs of worship together
4:15-5 – At this point we’ll split up and you can choose from a few different options: from hands-on arts/ craft activities as a form of worship, to looking at a theological topic and discussing it, to creative contemplative prayer inspired by a diversity of Christian traditions.
5-6 – We’ll gather back together, share a meal, and chat informally about our experience of our different groups.
6- Clean-up 🙂
We’ll try this format on 13 October and 10 November; let’s see what we learn and if it’s something we’d like to continue (or not) in the new year.
The Launch Team thought this might be a way to take the next step in growing in our friendships with one another while also pursuing spiritual depth and growth in a way that recognises that each of us engage with worship and with God differently.
We’ll let you know closer to the time what you can bring for the meal and also the specifics of the different ‘worship’ options!
You are also welcome to join us for any part of the gathering, including just coming for the meal.