November All-Community Worship Gathering
November 24, 2019
04:00 pm - 05:30 pm
Carrs Lane Church Centre
Carrs Lane
Birmingham, United Kingdom, B47
Join us for our November All -Community worship gathering. Gather from 3:30pm onwards for a 4pm start.
In our stories, songs, creative activities and musings, we’ll be exploring the interconnected themes of thankfulness and lament. Why are these concepts so tied in to how we relate to God and what it means to be human?
We’ll also start collecting donations for our Christmas charity Newbigin Community Trust who help run the Prison Visitors Centre and support the families of prisoners and ex-offenders in Winson Green. In November and December, we’ll be collecting presents and essential items for Newbigin Trust to distribute. We’ll post more details soon for those who’d like to give or be part of this project!
We meet twice a month at the Church at Carrs Lane, once for gathering like this, and another time for a Bring & Share Community Meal. We also gather for smaller meet-ups across the month. We won’t be having a full meal together on the 24th November, but reserve some tummy space for fabulous cakes.