June Book & Podcast Discussion Club – Is Deconstruction Bad?
June 14, 2020
05:15 pm - 06:00 pm
Our Book & Podcast Club is open to anyone. This month we are discussing the Liturgists’ podcast ‘Is Deconstruction Bad?’ … it’s less than 40 minutes and can be listened to here: https://theliturgists.com/podcast/2020/3/12/is-deconstruction-bad?fbclid=IwAR3ntwmBGf_4C5UIdiRT4hinqW3FluMBSyAGdl1CqaPsYhrtS5uQeB_cBlk
If you aren’t familiar with the term ‘deconstruction’ it’s used to talk broadly about the process many Christians go through of re-examining our relationship to our faith and to God, perhaps questioning deeply held beliefs or traditions. This can be a life-long process of breaking things down (asking, why do I believe that?) so that our faith and spiritual practice can be built up again in a healthier, truer form than before.
We’ll share a reflection on this podcast at our Inclusive Gathering Birmingham worship gathering at 4pm that day. Then there will be an opportunity to gather on Zoom at 5:15 to discuss the themes together as a group. Feel free to join whether or not you have had a chance to listen to the podcast.
More information coming soon.