July Book & Podcast Discussion Club – The Book of Joy
July 19, 2020
05:15 pm - 06:00 pm
Our Book & Podcast Club is open to anyone. We’ll be discussing The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. It’s currently available on Kindle for 99p. There are also Desmond Tutu videos you can watch if you would rather do that than read the book.
We’ll also share a reflection on The Book of Joy at our Inclusive Gathering Birmingham worship gathering at 4pm on the same day. Then there will be an opportunity to gather on Zoom at 5:15 to discuss the themes together as a group. Feel free to join whether or not you have had a chance to read/ watch.
The Book of Joy – Kindle
Desmond Tutu videos
Any questions? Email us on newchurchbirmingham@gmail.com