
December 5, 2021
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Inclusive Gathering Birmingham
The Old Library, Gibb Street, Digbeth
Birmingham, B9 4AT


December 5


03:00 pm - 05:00 pm


Inclusive Gathering Birmingham

The Old Library, Gibb Street, Digbeth

Birmingham, B9 4AT

On Sunday, 5th December we’ll be gathering for our Annual Inclusive Community Carols event with the band Eeek.

Pop on your Christmas jumper and join us either in person or online for music, stories and tasty treats. We’ll also have a quiet(er) room with creative activities to do.

This year’s Inclusive Carols will be in aid of Journey LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers Group… We’d love you to bring a small, holiday-wrapped package of sweets or biscuits with an encouraging card which will be distributed to group members during their upcoming Christmas party. You will also be invited to make an optional donation on the afternoon to support LGBTQ+ asylum seekers of all faiths and none.

We needed a bit more space for this special event, so we’ll be using a very Christmasy space … the Old Library Digbeth (near Birmingham City Centre).
Arrive at 2:45 for a 3pm start.

We ask attendees who are not exempt to wear a mask when not eating or drinking. We’ll have clear Covid safety precautions in place and will also be livestreaming our worship gathering to Facebook Live and YouTube for those not joining us in person. Click here to find the song sheet for our sing-along that you can use at home.

There will be no IGB Kids Club for this gathering – Kids are very welcome, but be aware that this is an event with a live band and so the volume will be louder than our usual gatherings. The Old Library is wheelchair accessible and has accessible toilets. It is a 15 minute walk from New Street Station and you can find details about location and parking here:

Any questions can be directed to

We’re really happy to do what we can to make you feel welcome and included – if you are worried about getting to the venue from Moor Street/ New Street give us a shout!


About Eeek …

Hailing from the Midlands (and New Jersey), the ladies of Eeek met each other one by one, playing together in a variety of different bands over the course of a decade before finally forming Eeek in 2008. Their shared musical history and strong friendships are part of their unique sound. Eeek has performed at Pride events in Brighton, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Nottingham and Manchester, been a popular feature at L-fest. Their album Love, Loss & Bowling is available on iTunes. This is IGB’s 5th year of running Inclusive Community Carols with Eeek. Follow Eeek on Facebook @EeekMusic.

About Inclusive Gathering Birmingham …

Inclusive Gathering Birmingham is a diverse church gathered together by a common dream: to become a truly inclusive faith community, where doubt and difference are a welcome part of our journey together toward Jesus. We believe that the way of Jesus leads us to the wild, radical idea that true spiritual community can be formed based on who is INCLUDED, not by who is EXCLUDED. We are a learning community, constantly growing and changing to live out this vision in new and expanding ways.

When we say “inclusion”, we mean much more than mere tolerance or welcome. We believe God wants us all to know that we actually belong. That means people of every race and ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, age and background, HIV status, ability and disability, theological and political conviction are loved, invited, and fully included. Read more about what makes us tick at or send an email to to ask questions or chat.