Easter Saturday Community Meal on Zoom
April 3, 2021
05:30 pm - 08:00 pm
Eating together is something we are sorely missing at IGB. Food and hospitality are so much of who we are.
So on Easter Saturday, we are going to host a ‘Community Meal’ event on Zoom where we both cook and eat the same (ish) simple meal together that can be cooked with minimal kitchen gear.
You can join us to cook from 17:30 OR you can join us just for EATING at 18:45 … Bring a candle if you have one to light. And if you prefer to eat something totally ELSE that is fine too.
We’re offering the opportunity for those connected with IGB to receive an Easter Food Box which will contain (the majority of) the ingredients you will need to make a shared recipe. You’ll need to sign up for this by 23rd March (and you’ll receive the box on Friday, 2nd April) – read more about it in our Connect & Community Group OR on this blog.
We’ll share recipe for a simple Chilli & Rice dish (with variations for different diets) AND we’ll post you a simple spice mix that everyone can use (so that we have some similar flavours in what we’re making). If you haven’t signed up for receive a food box, but would like the recipe(s) and spice mix, email newchurchbirmingham@gmail.com with your postal address by 30th March.