Book Club: Why I Am No Longer Talking to White People About Race
July 4, 2020
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Red Letter Christians UK
28 Handsworth New Road
Birmingham, United Kingdom, B184PT
Red Letter Christians UK is hosting an online book club to discuss Reni Eddo-Lodge’s important book Why I Am No Longer Talking To White People About Race. We are holding 2 sessions, the first at 10am on Saturday 20th June and the 2nd two weeks later on Saturday 4th July. You are welcome to attend one or both sessions, but free registration via EventBrite will be required to be given the Zoom password.
Our desire is to have an environment where we are not aiming to somehow ‘critique’ the book but to allow ourselves to hear from and engage with an important Black British voice and perspective. At a time when so many of our black activists and faith leaders are supporting their communities and dealing with grief and trauma, it’s particularly important to centre black voices without adding unnecessarily to their emotional and spiritual labour. Yet many of us, who are white and non-black, need to be able to learn and process. How do we do that? We’re hoping this book club will be one of many efforts to contribute to creating that kind of respectful learning/ dialogue space.
The questions we’ll be discussing in both sessions are these:
– What did you learn for the first time reading this?
– How did it challenge what you already know or thought you knew?
– Have you recognised a way you could change or adapt your behaviour in the light of this new information?
Eddo-Lodge’s book is available here on Kindle or Audible (read by the author):
This is the original 2014 blog post that led to the book:
And here is a more recent podcast of the author discussing and reflecting on her work:
If you have any questions, please email
The conversations will be facilitated by RLC UK’s Naomi Hope Bennett and Danielle Nichols Wilson.