
Coffee, Chats, Meals & Meet-ups: Lots going on at NIC!

It was fabulous to see so many of you at New Inclusive Church’s first All-Community Worship Gathering of the new season this past Sunday!  There was a lovely energy in the room and it was wonderful to see some familiar faces and quite a few new folks too! 

There is quite a lot going on at NIC, so I thought it would be worth writing a quick blog post to share all the info in one place!

NIC COFFEE & CHAT …This Sunday 6th October, we’re having an informal NIC ‘meet-up’ at Three 3s Coffee Lounge in Martineau Place from 3-5.  It’s an opportunity to meet some other NIC folks in a laid-back environment, drink nice coffee, maybe play a board game and chat.  

BRING & SHARE COMMUNITY MEAL … We’re now meeting TWICE a month for a big all community gathering at the Church at Carrs Lane.  Our next big gathering on Sunday 13th October (4-6pm) will be a Bring & Share Meal plus some low-key worship.  

We’re going to provide jacket potatoes and are asking as many as are able to bring toppings, salads or desserts to help fill out the meal – it can be something simple from the shop or homemade – SIGN UP HERE to let us know what you can bring. It would also be very helpful (as we work out numbers) if you could RSVP on our FB event (if you’ve got FB).  

HOSPITALITY TEAM … We would also LOVE to have more volunteers for our hospitality team, especially as we add more gatherings with food (as that seems to be something most people want!).  The more people on the hospitality team, the less often each person needs to help – plus it’s good fun and a great way to get to know people. Send us an email at if you are interested in serving in this way (or, in fact, joining ANY of our teams: Tech, Music, Welcome, Creative).

NIC SMALL GROUPS … We’ve relaunched NIC Small Groups!  We now have regular groups meeting in Edgbaston, Moseley, Summerfield (B16) and Worcester.  Read more here and email to sign up!

BOOK & PODCAST CLUB… We are also launching a monthly Book & Podcast Discussion Club – read more about it here.  Our first meet-up is happening at Three 3s Martineau Place from 3-5 on Sunday, 3rd November.  This is a great option if none of our small groups work for you, or if you would enjoy talking about a variety of perspectives on Jesus-oriented spirituality – you can come even if you haven’t read the book in advance!

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY… All of our upcoming events are listed on our website here.  If you are on FB, sign up to our New Inclusive Church – Events and Socials page.  It’s great for reminders and finding out the latest about new and impromptu community meet-ups. (Don’t be offended … you have to answer a question or two to help keep the group just for those who are connected with NIC.)

And finally, I am hoping to connect personally with everyone at NIC (who wants to!) over my first few months as pioneer leader, whether you’ve been part of things for a while or are just thinking about getting involved.  If you’d like to meet up for a coffee and a chat, drop me an email.  I’ll also be at Three 3s this Sunday if you’d like to chat then.  I’d love to find out more about you and hear your ideas and dreams for our growing community.

Thanks for reading!
