At Inclusive Gathering, we take a break from our usual schedule and shift to a more relaxed change of pace in August with plenty of opportunities to meet up and get to know one another.
There will be a variety of social meet-ups (usually including food!), book club-style discussions, online gatherings, day trips and adventures. Please join in with as little or as much as is life-giving to you!
Here’s what’s happening …

Weekly Sunday Brunch Socials at Boston Tea Party

On Sunday mornings 7, 14 & 21 August, we’ll meet for a relaxed Sunday Brunch at Boston Tea Party (Five Ways) from 9:15 -look out for us in the Blue Room – if it’s a nice day we might be sitting outside. We’re really happy to cover the cost of a breakfast bap and a hot drink.
BTP is JUST around the corner from our usual meeting spot, and the venue is accessible and has vegan and GF options.
IGB Summer Book Clubs

On Sunday, 7th August at 3pm we’re thrilled to welcome author Charlie Bell who will be joining us on Zoom for an interactive discussion about his new book, Queer Holiness: The Gift of LGBTQI People to the Church. This Zoom is open to all people of good will, whether or not you usually attend IGB. Register in advance for your Zoom link here.

On Sunday, 21st August we’ll be hosting our 2nd Zoom book club of the summer. David will be leading our discussion of Rob Bell’s audiobook ‘Handling Your Fire: Passion, Burnout, Routines & Resilience’. Register in advance for your Zoom link here.
Online Short Spiritual Practices – For Anytime
Over August, we’ll be releasing a couple of short online spiritual practices – these are meditations and prayers that you can use in your own time for self-reflection, worship or just to cultivate peace: a Breathing Prayer (released 14th August) and a Lectio Divina Meditation (released 28th August). We’ve shared a few of these things in our group gatherings, but sometimes it’s nice to have space just on your own to give these things a go.
IGB Day Trip to Greenbelt Festival

We’re organising an IGB Day Trip to Greenbelt Festival on Sunday, 28th August. Would you like to join us?
Please fill in this google form to express interest and to answer a few questions that will help us plan logistics/ travel. If you are planning to be at Greenbelt for the whole weekend, still fill in the form as we can plan to meet up.
Outdoor Meet-Ups

On Saturday, 20th August, David & Nettes will be hosting an outdoor meet-up at the Floating Front Room, South Loop Park, Rotten Park Street, Ladywood, B16 0AE. Hot drinks and yummy cakes are available. Watch our Connect & Community group for more impromptu meet ups!
Joy, Celebration & Pride in September
AND we’re back to our regular schedule in September with our first worship gathering back at Five Ways on Sunday 4th September. Our theme for the month will be joy and celebration – particularly appropriate as we look forward to Birmingham Pride festivities!