This Advent Season, we are going to be lighting Advent Candles together as part of our Online Worship Gatherings each week. We invite you to join in by making your own Advent Wreath so that you can light the candles with us. Read more below …
You can read or download our weekly Advent Readings here.
NOTE: If you have primary school-aged children you’d like to get involved, we’re running a special Advent Craft Project for them – Read more about our IGB Kids Club here.

You can download and print your own Simple Celtic Advent Wreath here.
If you don’t have access to a printer, email your name and postal address to and we would be happy to send you a copy in the post.
Join us for an Advent Wreath ‘making’ session at 2:30 on Sunday, 29th November on Zoom.
Zoom Christmas Crafts
We’ll also share a few different Advent and Christmas crafts you can join in with (on your own or on Zoom) – We’ll put instructions for some of the crafts we are making on this page Here’s an alternate version of an Advent Wreath that you could make with air-dry clay (if you are feeling a bit more crafty). Check our FB page or our events page for details of Zoom craft events!
Are you planning to reproduce these? Please note that these Mindfulness Colouring downloads are intended for individual use only and we are tracking the number that are being downloaded to a maximum of 100 to stay within an agreement with their owner, Illustrated Ministry. If you would like to reproduce these in your context, you can purchase them for a very reasonable price here.