February Book & Podcast Discussion Club
February 2, 2020
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Carrs Lane Church Centre
Carrs Lane
Birmingham, United Kingdom, B47
This will be our 3rd Book & Podcast Discussion Club … and this time we’ve chosen the book The Sin of Certainty by Peter Enns! We’ve chosen the book quite early so that you have plenty of time to read it. We’ll have some copies available to borrow at NIC gatherings if you’d rather not buy it (if you have a kindle, that’s the cheapest option).
The Book & Podcast club is open to all (even if you haven’t read the book)!
Peter Enns is a Bible scholar and the host of the popular (and controversial to some) The Bible for Normal People. You can watch this short video of Peter Enns speaking about certainty, to see if this is something you’d like to read!
One of the reasons we’ve chosen his book is because it delves deeper into the theme of what it looks like to have a spiritual journey and belief in the midst of a changing or evolving faith, which seems to be a common experience for many of us at NIC … Can uncertainty or doubt actually fuel or deepen our faith and growth (whether it is in how we’ve learned to read or experience the Bible or even how we relate to God himself/herself)?
It’s worth saying … we are not reading this book because we will all necessarily agree with every word. Part of our learning journey can happen through our discussion and reflection together.
We’ll select a book or podcast on Christian spirituality and let you know what it is about a month in advance. Then, if you fancy the subject, join us for coffee and a discussion of the key themes … (It will be the kind of chat you can still be included in EVEN if you didn’t manage to read or listen! No guilt or faking it required!)
From Nomad Podcast to This Cultural Moment to Richard Rohr, there are so many exciting thinkers and theologians from varying Christian perspectives available to us at the push of a button!